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Different Types Of Greetings in Igbo



 Good morning Ibọlachi
Ụtụtụ ọma
Isala chi
Ekene nke ụtụtụ

 reply: Good morning/ Morning  Ibolachi

 How are you?  Kedu ka idị
Kedu ka ọdị

 Fine, thank you/ I'm fine  Ọdi mma

 Good afternoon

 Efife Ọma
Ehihie Ọma
Imela ehiihie
Ezigbo ehihie

 Good evening

 Mgbede ọma

 Ans: Good/ evening

 Mgbede ọma

 Good night  Kachifo
Anyasi ọma
{ans: Ka Ọbụaa
         Ka ọbọ ọ}

 Have a nice sleep  Hie ura ọfuma
Hie ura nkeọma

 Good day
Good afternoon
Good evening

 Ndewo/ Ndeewo
{reply: Oga diri gi}

 Good afternoon my son

 Ndeewo nwamụ

 It will be well with you my child/ son/ daughter

 Oga diri gi nwa mu


Casual Greetings

 Hello  Kọdi
 Bye  Kọdi
 My friend  Enyi m
 Thank you  Dalu/ Imela
 How is it?  Kedu ka Ọdi
 How is everything?  Kedu ka ihe di??
 Hope you are well  Eji m aka na arudi gi?
 How is your family?  Kedu maka ezinulo gi?
 How is your Husband?  Kedu maka di gi?
 How is your Wife?  Kedu maka nwunye gi?
 Come and eat  Bia rie nri
 Excuse me
Hold on
 Chere mu
 Welcome  Nno
 My greetings  Ekene mu unu
 Goodbye  Ka omesia
 See you tomorrow  Ka o di echi
 Chief, I greet you  Chief, ekene m gi
 Father, I greet you  Nna, ekene m gi
 Mother, I greet you  Nne, ekene m gi
 Our Fathers, I greet you  Nna anyi, ekene m unu
 Our Mothers, I greet you  Nne anyi, ekene m unu
 Uncle, I greet you  Dede, ekene m gi
 Aunty, I greet you  Dada, ekene m gi

 Ọlịaa/ Oliaa

Greeting some one at work

 Well done at work  Ji si-ike na ọlu
 I believe work is going on well  Eji m aka na ọlu na ga ọfuma
 Yes, thank you  Eaa! Dalu
 How are you doing?  Kedu ka imere?
 I am okay
I am all right
 A di mu mma
 Good luck
Best wishes
 Ihe oma diri

Greetings the Sick

 Sorry  Ndo

 No  Mba

 Please  Biko

 Please please  Biko biko

 Yes  Ekwele mu
E ya

 Sorry are you Improving?  Ndo! Eji m aka na ọna ebenata?

 You will soon recover  Nwebere oge kita nso-gbụ gi anaa

 God will help you get alright - Amen  Onye nweayi ga enyere gi aka na nso-gbụ gi anaa - Amen

 Always pray to God, He will help you  Oge ọbuna, kpere onye nwe ayi ekpere

 Are you well now?  Nso-gbụ gi, ọna go kita?

 Safe journey  Ije ọma

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