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76 Igbo Riddles (Agwụgwa)
Examples Gwam Gwam Gwam

Examples of Igbo Riddles

The riddle (agwụgwa) is a very popular form of amusement for children.

Its educational value lies chiefly in that it exercises the mind in intuitive thought, teaches comparison, and encourages us to look for the inner significance of things around us.

Ther are two kinds of Igbo riddle.The majority require one to look beyond the question itself for the answer, but the "tone riddle" requires, as an answer, a phrase which follows the tonal contour of the question.

The first six of the following riddles are tone riddles.

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwam tụm tụ gem gem
    • Answer - Ọsọ mgbada bụ n'ugwu.

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m Oooo.
    • Answer - Isi ji sịrị ọdụ ji kelee ala.

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m akwụkwọ kịrịkịrị mgbada ata.
    • Answer - Nwa nne anaghi alụ nwa nne.

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m idigiri n'akwụ ọsa
    • Answer - Ị nwụghi, ị na-eche onye?

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ogirisi ngidi ngi.
    • Answer - E lighi dike nli naabọ

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m kọkọ nkọ gwa gị
    • Answer - Ajị ewu anaghi akọ n'ọgwa.

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ihe kuru mmiri rịa elu.
    • Answer - Akụ bekee (coconut)

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ihe sịrị eze rachaa ntụ
    • Answer - Ube (Pear).

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m kporokpotoo n'obi ọgaranya
    • Answer - Ọgbiịrị ehi.

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m kporokpotoo na be ogbenye
    • Answer - Ọgbịrị atụrụ

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m tụpuo ala hụ mmụọ
    • Answer - Ọdụ ji

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ihe a nụrụ ka ọ dara ma a nụghi ka e gburu
    • Answer - Ogbe ụkwa (African Breadfruit)

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ihe nọ n'ezi be nne gị eche gị mgba
    • Answer - Apịtị

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m nwa agbọghọ ara anọ
    • Answer - Ikwe (odo)

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m oti nwata n'anya nne ya
    • Answer - Agụụ

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m nwanyị nọdụrụ okwu
    • Answer - Oche ọkpọga

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m nwoke gba aka wụọ ng̔i;ge
    • Answer - Imi (e zịpụrụ ezipụ)

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ihe gị na ya soro baa n'ọhịa, o buru gị ụzọ pụta
    • Answer - Ntụ

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ihe nọ n'azụ ụlọ nne gị na-agbọ gị taa
    • Answer - Ụkpaka/Ugba

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ihe nọ n'elu ụlọ nne gị na-agọrọ gị ọfọ
    • Answer - Ngwere (lizard)

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m otu ibe ji zuru ụwa ọnụ
    • Answer - Ọnwa

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m nwa okoro ọcha gbara aka rịa ọjị
    • Answer - Ido

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ihe ji nganga akwụ aja
    • Answer - Ukukorobụba

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ọdara ọbụ ereghi ure
    • Answer - Nkume

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m nwanyị ọgbọrọdọ ara
    • Answer - Ụkpaka

  • Igbo Riddle - Gwa m ihe otu onye nwe ma ọha enwere olu akwa ya
    • Answer - Oke ọkpa

Gwam Gwam Gwam... Igbo Riddles... Igbo Culture

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